as opportunities for change
In this article we will discuss step by step what helps
us with crises
Today we are living in such a society that is going
through difficult times. However, we frequently hear that crisis is an opportunity, but it is
not always true.
To really go through and overcome the difficult times we
are going through and in turn be stronger, we need to be willing to test
ourselves perfectly and think differently. All this will help us to make right decisions
that last over time.
a crisis of an opportunity
Does going through difficult times really strengthen us?
Aren't moments of adversity supposed to weaken us mentally and physically? But
what if the answer is that going through adversity really strengthens us,
therefore should we receive problems or go out and look for them as a way to
grow? Let’s pay attention to the following steps.
suffering make you grow?
Tough question...Not always, sometimes yes, but sometimes
not. It is true that when we come out of adverse situation we learn to develop
new capacities, but on other occasions we may end up with less confidence,
security and capacity for enjoyment.
So what does it depend on? Why do difficult experiences
or times causes post traumatic stress or post traumatic growth? It usually
depends on two factors: the person's previous personality and what the person
does with what he has gone through.
In a crisis it is uncertain whether the outcome ends up
enriching the person in his qualities or impoverishing them.
An optimistic look
Focusing on the influence of the previous personality,
when passing through a crisis it seems that this increases what was already
happening. For example, those who are optimistic will come out of crises easily
feeling empowered, and they will give great meaning to the experience they have
On the contrary, the person who is pessimistic and have
signs of negativity, will see adversities as threats and will be far from being
able to overcome them in a positive and successful way. The opposite will
happen, they will sink more and more. It is easy for them to give in to despair
and the question "Why me?" Always accompanies them.
Amend, understand and avoid
It is important to resort to three strategies to face crises,
the three E.
Those people who propose to amend, basically focus on looking
for solutions to their problems and turn
to those tools or important adjustments that help them overcome those facts
that have unbalanced them.
Understanding things differently is very important in
order to get out of a crisis. If we think or change our way of thinking in a adverse
situation, this could give us relief and we can move forward.
pain. When we focus on this, on avoiding the pain that the advers
and critical situations can produce, it is necessary to distract ourselves with
other things and minimize the importance of said situation.
So what happens with 3Es? it is very easy for people to
use the first two strategies: amend and understand. They focus on solving what
they had not been able to solve, but still understand when they should abandon
that focus.
For those people who focus on avoiding situations only
they will be paralyzed in their crisis, focusing on avoiding; they are only
going to minimize their pain, but the problem is always going to be there and
the worst is going to get worse.
Stronger than you think
When we manage to go through these crises through an
optimistic attitude, solutions and a new look at things, it is obvious that we
are going to emerge stronger.
All this surrounds us with several benefits, mainly:
We build confidence that we are stronger than we think.
We discover new skills and power that we did not know we
The character of oneself has changed.
All this is a way to get a full and satisfactory life, we
will be freed from an empty and sterile existence.
Most valuable links
"In good times and bad" is what we often hear
in difficult times, but it doesn't always work the same way.
Some people really feel satisfaction when they notice the
presence of their loved ones, especially for showing affection and love at
critical moments. We can even notice the true friendships and those people who
seemed distant can give us a great surprise, since they will offer us their
Refocus your priorities
It is important for those who go through critical
experiences to change their focus of life. For them the most necessary thing is
the present. We learn from lived experiences and focus on what we will do in
All of this offers a life of change, we prepare ourselves
for future goals and achievements.
Change window
It is true, it has been proven that those critical or
traumatic moments creates a window of change. As someone go through these
situations, it's common for them not to stop thinking and focus on acting.
However, this window only extends for a few months, but all this will help us
reinvent ourselves in a way that will favor our lives.