How are you facing the current situation in the world? How are you feeling having to stay at home?

Covid-19 is a new disease that has spreads all over the world, to stay, at least for a few months.

As it is well known, its origins date is back to last December 2019, but the great connection of our current society has resulted in it reaching our doors in a relatively short period of time.

That is why many people have developed the pathology,mental stress being forced to face it.

Additionally, the population has been confined to their homes for quarantine in order to carry out a preventive process that significantly reduces the transmission rate.

How to deal with the Covid-19?
With the isolation and the continuous news on the Internet, it is very likely that the population diagnosed with Covid-19 and those who do not contract it have irrational thoughts and mental stress.

What is irrational thinking?
Is it an idea of ​​a negative nature, negative perception, which is not based on the reality that usually takes on dramatic and exaggerated nuances?

Generally, it causes enormous discomfort in the person who poses them.

Irrational thinking, although it may be normal and usual for it to appear in stressful and unfamiliar situations, is not adaptive. That is to say, it constitutes a way of thinking that will not help you at all when facing the medical ailment or the stress of isolation that you must face and overcome.

What can I do if I already notice that I have irrational thoughts?

The first step to get rid of them is the correct detection of the thoughts, and what will allow the correct detection is that it is characterized by:

a) Being automatic: They are usually generated voluntarily  b) Being unfounded: they do never correspond to reality c) Being stressful: They spark a negative emotional response

In case you detect a series of negative and annoying thoughts that you want to remove, you should ask yourself if they ascribe to the reality of the situation you are facing. Some examples of irrational thoughts and feelings related to COVID-19 are the following:

1) "I am surely going to die" 2) "I am much weaker than the others, and I will not overcome it" 3) "My case will surely be more serious than the rest" 4) "I will need the ICU (Care Unit Intensive) support "5)" I don't have health insurance "6)" I'm going to go crazy from being home "

What are we going to learn today is how to deal with irrational thoughts? To deal with these irrational thoughts the following techniques should be applied:

STOP TECHNIQUE: This technique involves you detecting your thoughts when they become irrational and unusual. When you start to feel bad, you can mentally exclaim "STOP, STOP, STOP", after cutting the line of thought, try to combat the mismatched idea by replacing it with another of a comforting and adaptive nature. Example: "STOP, I'm at home and I'm fine"

RATIONALIZATION TECHNIQUE This technique is another effective way of confronting irrational thoughts; This one tries to rationalize by means of the analytical thought, that is to say; taking the idea and analyzing which part is true and which is not. Example: "I am healthy, I can be strong enough to recover from the virus" In addition to irrational thoughts, you may also experience overrated ideas.

But ... What are overvalued ideas?

These includes socially acceptable beliefs (content) but they are anomalous in a person as their dominance (form) and intensity with which they are maintained (convictions). In case you detect them (or one of the people in your immediate environment does), remember that they are not adaptive either, it is recommended that they implement the above techniques and if you consider that your anxiety persists, it is important that you consult a professional.
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